What’s new
Email cyber threat on the increase
Noisy email
Over 70% of my email in the last week was ‘noise’ at best and malicious at worst, and there seems to be no let up in sight.
It is widely accepted that email has become the delivery method of choice for cyber criminals. There seems to be a threat for every occasion from Malware and Ransomware to SPAM and Spoofing, not to mention newly developed and previously unknown malicious emails referred to as ‘Zero-Day’ attacks.
Businesses are targeted
The threat is very real with some sectors targeted more heavily that others. A recent report from the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) on the threat to the UK Legal sector shows a staggering £11 million of clients money stolen in 2016/17 by cyber security breaches. The NCSC go on to identify the significant threats that all lead back to email security as their primary challenge.
If you own a Law firm or Professional Services company in the UK, please contact us today on 01943 666 711 to see how we could help secure your business.
Why do they do it?
The motivations for these attacks can be very varied. From financial gain, nation states seeking strategic or political advantage or even ideological gains for ‘hacktivists’. All of this activity is criminal, with sometimes minimal effort a quickly compiled email could devastate your business costing both financial and reputation damage.
How can you reduce the risk of attack by email?
With such a constant and overwhelming attack by email, Cactus IT are now able to offer email security for your business with the following key advantages:
- Phishing prevention: blocking fake login pages
- Click protection: so that you can ‘click with confidence’
- Spoofing: works on mobiles and desktops to identify Spoofing and CEO fraud
- Attachments: scanning and blocking all manner of attachments, even password protected documents
Our service includes a daily email report with easy to use ‘Release/Allow/Block’ services, all for an affordable price.
Contact us on 01943 666 711 today for a free 14 day trial of this service and to enquire about our additional advanced threat protection services including ‘Sandbox attachment scanning’ and ‘Email continuity’.