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Completed network upgrade
Cactus IT has recently completed a network upgrade for a client based in Dublin with a branch office in Otley. We were asked to assist in specifying the equipment and sourcing it for our client.
The work was scheduled to be completed outside of normal business hours to limit the impact on the business. The main objective was to increase capacity and reliability on the network while providing a secure and more salable home for the sensitive networking hardware. We worked on site with the IT manager of the business to complete the works on time so the staff could return the following business day as usual.
With the addition of a battery backed power supply, the customer could be sure that normal operations would continue in the event of power outages and spikes that were not uncommon and could damage the equipment without this protection.
If you are looking to increase your network capacity or to better secure your existing investment, please contact us on 01943 666 711 or by email on bevan@cactus-it.co.uk