WiFi security hack discovered

A WiFi security loophole has been found My WiFi is secure because it’s encrypted, or so I thought. Most modern WiFi networks are secured, we know this because we have to use a password to connect to them and we are told that the connection is encrypted. Wrong!! A flaw was discovered this week by Mathy […]

Single Sign On (SSO) company OneLogin has a major security breach

The global online identity management company OneLogin has reported that they have been the victims of a security breach. On the 31st of May 2017 OneLogin released a statement saying:”Today we detected unauthorized access to OneLogin data in our US data region. We have since blocked this unauthorized access, reported the matter to law enforcement, […]

Microsoft responds to the recent WannaCrypt ransomware

Microsoft has acted quickly in response to the recent WannaCrypt ransomware attack that has seen massive global infections and disruption to critical healthcare services.If you have any concerns about your business systems or are unsure about how or if this might impact you, Cactus IT are offering a free backup audit* that you are welcome […]

12th May “Global ransomware offensive”

To date, almost 100 countries have been impacted with the NHS in England and Scotland having to resort to pen and paper. Operations cancelled and Accident and Emergency units shut down by the crippling ransomware infection.How did this happen?Short answer: a convincing phishing email (SPAM email) was opened on a Windows PC that was not […]

Office 365 data residency location

Will GDPR impact on your data residency requirements? Are you part of a United Kingdom business that subscribes to Microsoft Office 365 services? You may also have regulatory compliance that requires your data to be kept within the United Kingdom?If that is the case, then Microsoft now offers the option to relocate your data, but you […]

Using Redstor Instant Data to recover your Windows 2012R2 Server after a disaster

Disaster recovery is critical for business continuity, we all know that. But, how often is your strategy tested? In the video below, I demonstrate the backup and recovery of a Windows Server 2012R2 virtual machine using Cactus IT infrastructure powered by Redstor Backup Pro ESE software.Redstor Backup Pro ESE (enterprise server edition) includes the “Full System […]

Hackers Threaten To Remote Wipe Millions Of iPhones- Cactus IT has some advice

In the NEWS this week Apple have sent out an email statement after receiving a demand for ransom from a group calling itself “Turkish Crime Family”. The $75 000 cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin) needs to be paid by Apple before the groups deadline of the 7th of April. The group claims to have access to nearly […]

Password policy “U-Turn” for 2017

What we know If you are in business, you will have looked to your IT department for help and advice on passwords. After all, your password is the key to your digital life and with it comes all of the intellectual property, documentation and wealth that you have accumulated over the years. It is true […]

What is ransomware and how can I protect my data?

Ransomware is malicious computer code that has been written in order to illegally elicit money from unsuspecting victims. The code is normally delivered by one of the following methods and infects the computer, network or data: Misleading and well disguised SPAM emails lead you to click on a link or open an attachment that infects […]

What is Server Virtualisation……. and why should I care?

Definition: A Virtual Server is an instance of a Computer Operating System running within a container on Simulated Hardware. Server virtualisation hides direct physical access to the host computers hardware and instead, makes available an abstract layer that shares the hardware access amongst all of the guest Operating Systems. This allows you to install multiple, […]